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What to Know About Buccal Fat Removal

If you’ve ever heard nicknames like “baby face” and “chipmunk cheeks,” it’s probably because the person in question has a notably round face. Yet even though the appearance of chubby cheeks is the result of fat under the skin, it isn’t the same kind of subcutaneous fat associated with obesity. Moreover, it isn’t even necessarily […]

Dieting Like Adele: Your Guide to the Sirtfood Diet

If there’s one thing you can rely on in this world, it’s that there will always be another fad diet that hits the mainstream from time to time. Whether it’s low fat, low calorie, low carb, keto, paleo, or one of countless other diet schemes, if there’s a new plan, people will try it. One […]

An Alluring Sugar Alternative: Allulose Explained

With the backlash against processed foods, artificial sweeteners, and food additives that has gained momentum in recent years, the search for natural sweeteners has gained renewed steam. This means that, in addition to many sugar substitutes people may be familiar with, there are now other options that are less well-known. This is certainly the case […]

Is Black Seed Oil Beneficial for Weight Loss?

When you’re trying to lose weight, finding new techniques and supplements to aid your journey is a natural urge. In recent decades, the market for diet-related supplements and special foods has skyrocketed. Indeed, it can be difficult to discern helpful advice from just the latest fad. One food item that has had a recent spike […]

What is the Candida Diet?

The word “diet” can represent different things in different contexts, but most people think of a diet as eating less food or more healthy food as a means of promoting weight loss. Yet some diets are designed with other goals in mind; in the case of the Candida diet, weight loss is at best a […]

The Effects of Phentermine on Weight Loss

Most weight loss plans involve a revised diet and an increase in one’s daily physical activity in order to create a fat-burning calorie deficit. The unfortunate truth is, though, that diet and exercise alone rarely lead to long term success. Indeed, recent research from the CDC indicates an increase in the number of people attempting […]

Lasting Losses: The Body for Life Diet

There has been an explosion of new diet plans being publicized in recent years, but weight loss is nothing new. Even if you are new to the world of losing weight, some of the more effective and popular advice might have been around for decades.  Is Body for Life Still Around? The short answer is, […]

How Healthy is Plant-Based Meat?

Plant-based meat alternatives have been around for a very long time; indeed, tofu, a food product made from soybeans, was invented in China nearly 2000 years ago. Since then, there have been many food innovations that rely on plant proteins instead of real meat. In recent years, a new wave of plant-based meat alternatives have […]

Clean up Your Act: The Eat Clean Diet

Diets, like many things in life, work best when simple, time-honored practices are applied well. In a world full of fad diets, the Eat-Clean diet could almost be seen as the anti-diet. Rather than restrict the kinds of foods or times of day when you can eat, the philosophy of clean eating recommends consuming a […]

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