¿Cómo será mi dieta después de la ESG?
El compromiso con los cambios de dieta y ejercicio es esencial para el éxito a largo plazo después de cualquier procedimiento de pérdida de peso, incluidas las opciones no quirúrgicas mínimamente invasivas como la gastroplastia endoscópica en manga (ESG). Después de un procedimiento ESG, para dar tiempo al estómago para sanar, los pacientes tendrán que volver a adaptarse lentamente a una dieta normal durante las ocho semanas posteriores al procedimiento. A partir de ahí, se [...]
Cómo seguir la dieta tras la gastroplastia endoscópica en manga
La pérdida de peso tras una gastroplastia endoscópica en manga (GEM) requiere un enfoque nutricional cuidadoso. Mejorar su dieta le ayudará a maximizar los beneficios de la intervención, a mantener su salud general y a alcanzar sus objetivos. Esto es lo que debe saber sobre su dieta para la gastroplastia endoscópica en manga, incluidos los problemas más frecuentes y consejos para mantener la concentración. Qué [...]
How Does Parental Influence Affect Children’s Eating Behavior?
From the first spoonful of baby food to the battle over finishing vegetables during family meal times, parents play a profound role in shaping the eating behaviors of their children. This relationship between parents and children isn’t just about providing sustenance, however; it’s also ideally about training and preparing children for a lifetime of healthy […]
What Is Food Noise and How Do You Stop It?
Food is undoubtedly an essential part of our lives, providing nourishment, pleasure, and even sometimes a reason for connecting with others. But for some people (or perhaps everyone at some point in life), food can become an all-consuming mental preoccupation. From meticulously planning every meal to counting calories with unwavering precision, an excessive focus on […]
Una revisión de la dieta Ornish
Ya se trate de problemas estéticos o de salud general a largo plazo, los estadounidenses parecen estar siempre a la caza del próximo plan de dieta. Esto se debe en parte a las redes sociales y al continuo estigma del sobrepeso, pero también a la verdadera epidemia de obesidad en Estados Unidos.
A Review of the Pescatarian Diet
Dieting for most people is usually a way to either lose weight or avoid gaining weight. For others, though, a chosen diet is about living a healthier life or aligning one’s lifestyle choices with a set of core beliefs. A great example of a diet like this is the pescatarian diet, a unique and increasingly popular dietary pattern that offers a fusion of plant-based foods and seafood.
Is NASH Caused by Obesity?
As obesity continues to rise in the United States, more and more obesity-related conditions are similarly becoming more prevalent. Overwhelming evidence from recent decades—in the form of randomized controlled clinical trials and various meta-analyses—has shown clearly that obesity can harm virtually any aspect of health. Yet while cardiovascular disease and conditions like type 2 diabetes […]
A Review of the Flexitarian Diet
Choosing the “right” diet is always a challenging proposition, especially given how many questionable fad diets come and go every year. Some publications, like U.S. News and World Report, attempt to help American consumers by ranking and reviewing various diets.
How to Get Back on Track After Overeating
Even if you’re fully committed to living a healthier lifestyle with a balanced diet, there are going to be times when you overindulge and eat more than you should. Whether it’s a celebratory meal, a social gathering, or a “cheat day,” it’s natural to eat more than you normally do from time to time. Overeating […]
Are Protein Shakes Good for Weight Loss?
If you spend any time on the internet these days, you won’t have to look far to find advice on how to lose weight. Whether it’s a fad diet, an expensive piece of specialized exercise equipment, or a supplement that promises rapid results, there are countless options to sift through. A popular phenomenon in the […]