Category: Bariatric Revision

Non-Surgical Gastric Sleeve Revision Procedure Can Give Bariatric Surgery a Second Chance at Success

Gastric sleeve, or vertical sleeve gastrectomy, is one of the most commonly performed bariatric surgeries available today. It’s a very effective procedure overall, but because obesity is a chronic and relapsing condition – it doesn’t work long-term for every patient. Some patients experience significant weight loss at first, but their progress stalls or they even […]

When to Consider Bariatric Surgery Revision

Bariatric surgery is a safe and effective option for the treatment of obesity, offering significant long-term weight loss that improves a variety of obesity-related conditions, including type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, high cholesterol, and more. However, some patients will experience weight recurrence – approximately one in five, to be exact – regaining their excess […]

Obesity Treatment: Endoscopic Bariatric Procedures

The United States has an obesity problem, and the impulse to throw money at the problem clearly hasn’t been working. In fact, when you include everything from diet soft drinks to health clubs to appetite suppressants, the weight management industry in America is valued at a whopping $78 billion per year. Yet even with all […]

Why Did I Gain Weight After Gastric Bypass Surgery?

Each year, over 200,000 Americans elect to have gastric bypass surgery in the hope of finally making noticeable progress toward losing weight. Gastric bypass is by far the most common type of bariatric surgery, and many people choose it because of the perceived potential for losing a significant amount of weight in a relatively short […]

Feeling the Pressure: Hypertension and Obesity

Heart attacks and strokes can seem like sudden and unexpected events. In the moments after a stroke or heart attack, every second counts to save your life, let alone keep your heart, brain, and other organs from suffering damage. Though it takes seconds for things to go wrong, the lead up to heart disease usually […]

Take Two: Gastric Bypass Revision Explained

Life comes with very few assurances. Even the promises of a “guaranteed fix” sometimes don’t live up to the billing. This can be particularly true when it comes to the human body.  Gaining weight back after being on a diet is something many people are familiar with. The up and down weight swings are one […]

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