Category: Health

Choosing the Right Breakfast for Weight Loss

It has often been said that “breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” Whether this is precisely true is a matter of some debate amongst nutrition experts and scientists, but what’s definitely clear is that a healthy breakfast can be beneficial for those who are trying to lose weight. In an American diet […]

Weighing Your Options: Body Composition Measurement

You finally got a plan together to start losing weight. As you get started, and the first few pounds start coming off, you might start wondering how much fat you are actually losing. It turns out that seeing the number change on the bathroom scale may have less to do with healthy weight loss than […]

Macronutrients Are Key to Health & Weight Loss Success

A good start to any weight loss journey is being able to separate fact from fiction when it comes to dieting strategies. Here’s one falsehood of which we should all be aware: counting calories leads to weight loss success. In fact, most people who have been through a weight loss journey would agree that the […]

The Benefits and Challenges of Big Weight Loss Goals

Imagine walking in the door at the end of a long trip and dropping your bags on the floor. Just letting go of all that weight feels amazing. If you are significantly overweight, you might wish you could drop 50 pounds of body weight as easily as you let go of your luggage.  If you […]

Run for Your Life: Running for Healthy Weight Loss

Running seems so simple; aren’t humans built to do this anyway? How hard can it be? For something we all did as kids without thinking about it, picking up running as a regular pastime later in life can be surprisingly difficult.  If you have reached the middle of life, or find yourself needing to lose […]

The Importance of Your Diet for Metabolic Syndrome

There are some diseases you can do very little about. Whether they come about by genetic factors or exposure to toxins and pathogens in your environment, some diseases and conditions are hard to avoid.  There are other health conditions where you have almost total control over your risk, even if it doesn’t always feel like […]

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