Category: Spatz3

Removable Gastric Balloons Jumpstart Weight Loss: Are They Right For You?

When considering a non-surgical weight loss procedure, most patients prioritize flexibility, safety, and efficacy. Gastric balloons check all those boxes while offering a completely reversible, minimally invasive, and less costly option for sustainable weight loss. Benefits of Gastric Balloons Gastric balloons can help patients lose 30 to 50 pounds on average (though many will lose […]

New Weight Loss Balloon Approved By The FDA

This week, the Food & Drug Administration approved Spatz3, the only adjustable gastric balloon system for weight loss. The Spatz3 balloon, which has been in use internationally for years, with almost 90,000 treatments, is now available in the United States. True You Weight Loss is proud to be a Spatz Medical partner and will be […]

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