Gastric Fundal Mucosal Ablation

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GFMA (Gastric Fundal Mucosal Ablation)

The Clinical Research Team at True You Weight Loss is dedicated to advancing patient care through hypothesis-driven inquiry, rigorous studies, and peer-reviewed data. The latest innovation in bariatric endoscopy is GFMA (gastric Fundus mucosal ablation). Discover how True You Weight Loss is pioneering this technique to provide new minimally-invasive weight loss options for our patients.

What is GFMA?

GMFA is a non-surgical technique in which a gastroenterologist ablates (or burns) the mucosa (or surface layer) of the top part of the stomach (called the fundus) from the inside of the stomach using an endoscope.

stomach and fundus

What is the role of the gastric fundus?

The fundus has two important roles in appetite. First, the mucosa (surface layer) of the fundus makes 80-90% of the body’s ghrelin. Ghrelin is our hunger hormone, and the longer it has been since we’ve eaten a meal, the more ghrelin is secreted from the fundus, causing us to become hungrier. Second, the fundus expands when we eat a meal, serving as a storage reservoir for food. As the fundus fills, it causes us to get full or satisfied from a meal, something we call satiation.


How Is GFMA Performed?

This is a question we were very interested in, so our team at True You conducted a first-in-human study of GFMA in adults with obesity. In the weeks and months after a patient undergoes GFMA, the fundus of the stomach undergoes a remodeling process, all the way down to the cellular level. This process has major benefits for patients seeking to curb their appetite, including:
Ghrelin Levels

Ghrelin levels decrease

Ghrelin production was decreased by 40-50% in both the tissue of the stomach and in the bloodstream by 3 months after the procedure. This offers similar benefits to a surgical sleeve (sleeve gastrectomy), where the fundus is surgically removed – all without the risks or side effects of surgery. Ghrelin levels remained low over the next year.

Stomach capacity decreases

After GFMA, patients’ stomach capacity decreased by 45%. This is because the ablation causes the fundus to contract and scar down, reducing the size of the stomach.

Appetite control improves

After GFMA, patients’ hunger and cravings decreased, and their confidence in their ability to resist overeating increased.

a weight scale with a measuring tape around it

Rapid, sustainable weight loss

In the six months following GFMA, patients lost an average of 20 lbs.

Results: GMFA Shown to Reduce Hunger

a person measuring a man's waist

Is GFMA safe?

GFMA has proven to be a safe and effective technique; in our two separate clinical trials of GFMA, there were zero complications. Because there is a theoretical risk of stomach ulcer, GMFA is accompanied by 12 weeks of anti-ulcer medication and avoidance of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (e.g., ibuprofen, naproxen, meloxicam).


If you are interested in learning more about GFMA and its role in our program, please schedule a free, virtual consultation to speak with our medical experts.

1 Arakawa R, Febres G, Cheng B, et al. Prospective study of gut hormone and metabolic changes after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy and Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. PLoS One 2020;15:e0236133.
2 Based on two validated questionnaires: DAILY-EATS and Weight Efficacy Lifestyle Questionnaire-Short Form (WEL-SF).

frequently asked questions

The key difference is that endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty is non-surgical. There are no incisions. It is performed entirely through the mouth using an endoscopic suturing system (Endomina). This allows for a fast recovery and healing, as well as a lower rate of adverse effects. The procedure is done on a same-day, outpatient basis. While ESG reduces the size of the stomach to a similar degree as a surgical sleeve gastrectomy, it does not involve the removal of any portion of the stomach.

The aim of endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty is the same as that of surgical gastric sleeve, that is, to reduce the stomach size by 60-70%. However, ESG has some potential benefits over surgical sleeve gastrectomy:

1. ESG is safer: Sleeve gastrectomy involves cutting the stomach and stapling the ends (hence the name sleeve gastrectomy, -ectomy means removal). This can give rise to serious complications such as bleeding and leaks along the staple line.  In ESG, the stomach is sutured from the inside and is not cut. Thus, the risk of major complications is very low.
2. ESG is minimally invasive: With sleeve gastrectomy, a surgeon has to make multiple cuts on the abdominal wall to access the stomach. These later become scars. ESG is an endoscopic procedure; no external cuts or incisions are needed.
3. ESG is an outpatient procedure: ESG does not require hospitalization. It can be done in an outpatient clinic and you can go home the same day. With laparoscopic or surgical gastrectomy, you would need to spend at least a day or two in the hospital.         
4. ESG enables faster recovery: As ESG requires no cutting of the abdominal muscles, the recovery is fast, and you can return to work and your daily chores within 2-3 days post-procedure. With sleeve gastrectomy, you might need to rest for more than 2-3 weeks.

Yes! In July 2022, the Apollo ESG received FDA authorization for the treatment of adults with a body mass index (BMI) between 30 kg/m2 and 50 kg/m2. Previously, the FDA approved the Apollo Overstitch endoscopic suturing system for the non-specific indication of “tissue apposition.” But now the specific ESG procedure is FDA-authorized, based on the proven safety and efficacy results from clinical studies.

At True You, we believe the cost of endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty should be transparent and all-inclusive so you know exactly how much you will pay. The True You ESG features a set price of $11,995, which includes services like your initial consultation and labs, 24/7 direct physician access, unlimited medical follow-up, and one full year of one-on-one nutrition counseling.

Since ESG is not covered by insurance at this time, we also provide several financing options to help make your weight loss treatment affordable for you.

Approximately 30-40 minutes. The procedure is performed under anesthesia in an endoscopy suite. You will recover for 1-2 hours after the procedure. You will then be discharged home.

We recommend taking 2-3 days off after the procedure, to rest and recover.

Once the stomach heals, it should remain in a smaller size and shape long-term. U.S. studies tell us that weight loss after endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty is maintained for up to 5 years. The key to sustaining weight loss is to adhere to the recommended diet and to maintain a regular exercise regimen. We advise that overeating can lead to weight regain and/or failure of the sleeve over time, as with any weight loss procedure.

Yes. There are no specific lifting restrictions immediately after ESG. However, we recommend starting first with light walking, even as soon as the day of your procedure. This helps with the recovery and passage of gas. Once you are meeting your protein and fluid goals consistently, you can begin to exercise more intensely. We generally recommend avoiding very strenuous exercise for 3-4 weeks, as your caloric intake may be too low to support this at first (you may get tired). After the first month, you should be able to do any form of exercise without limitation.

After you have healed and recovered from your procedure, it is safe to become pregnant, though we generally recommend waiting a minimum of 6 months before trying to get pregnant. We advise patients that fertility may increase after ESG, due to the metabolic improvements associated with weight loss.

We will closely monitor your progress following the ESG procedure, to ensure that your weight loss is on track. It is very common and expected to have periods of slower weight loss during the 12-month process. If, despite optimizing your diet and exercise, you still need further assistance, we may recommend weight loss medications (pharmacotherapy). This would be provided under the guidance of your treating physician. These medications can greatly enhance your weight loss when used in conjunction with the ESG procedure.

Yes. If the initial procedure is not completely successful, it can be safely repeated or tightened.