Category: ESG

What to Know About Endoscopic Procedures

The ability to see inside the body has been highly valued for as long as medicine has been practiced. In the past, this was challenging and often dangerous because the technology simply wasn’t available to do so safely. Over time, though, scientists have developed new methods for visualizing internal organs and even performing medical procedures. […]

An Overview of Bariatric Surgery Options

With estimates that it affects nearly 42% of the population, it has become well known that the United States has an obesity problem. The traditional and popular methods of losing weight—mainly adopting a restrictive diet and/or a punishing exercise regimen—have unfortunately not made a difference in this area over time. One approach that consistently does […]

A Review of Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss

Over the past few decades, a pair of seemingly paradoxical trends have emerged: the number of people who are overweight or obese has risen at the same time as the number of people trying to lose weight. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the decade from 2007-2017 saw obesity rates in the United States rise from 34% to 42% of the population.

Tips for Getting Past a Weight Loss Plateau

A weight loss journey can sometimes be a challenging experience full of day-to-day ups and downs that make it difficult to stick with. Choosing the right meal plan and finding time to add an exercise routine into a busy daily life are hard work even in the best of circumstances. It’s also a unique individual […]

What Can I Do About Loose Skin After Weight Loss?  

Obesity affects millions of people every year, and Americans spend billions of dollars on health foods, supplements, exercise equipment, and gym memberships to try to lose weight. Some people manage to lose a few pounds here and there before putting it back on a few months later. Others, though, have had great success stories where […]

What Are the Risks of Gastric Bypass Surgery?

During the 20-year period from 2000 to 2020, the rate of obesity in the United States increased from 30.5% to 41.9%; this is a higher proportion of population than any other large industrialized nation in the world. Yet even as more and more Americans attempt to lose weight through various diet and exercise programs, the […]

What to Know About Brown Fat and Weight Loss

Over the past few decades, much has changed about our understanding of metabolism, nutrition, and weight gain. Though these concepts have been presented in relatively simplistic terms in the past, recent research has shown that the reasons we gain and lose weight are more complicated than what we once thought. Fat content in foods, for […]

Shake it Off: Ultrasonic Cavitation for Fat Loss

Anyone who has tried to get rid of stubborn fat deposits has probably wished there was a way to just melt the pounds away. It turns out that fat dissolving injections can sort of melt fat away, and you can freeze it off with procedures like CoolSculpting. If you don’t want to resort to liposuction, […]

How Do We Know Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty (ESG) Really Works?

Endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty, otherwise known as ESG, is the endobariatric, non-surgical alternative to weight loss surgery for many patients who aren’t interested in or eligible for bariatric surgery. Offering comparable outcomes to those seen with the surgical sleeve gastrectomy, ESG is completely non-surgical, and the entire procedure takes less than an hour. Patients go home […]

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