Category: ESG

Weight Loss Surgery Options

If you’re like many other Americans, you’ve probably attempted to lose body weight on numerous occasions in the past. Any such attempt probably involved a traditional approach to weight management that undoubtedly included a combination of fad diet and aggressive exercise. While this approach can work for some people, the fact is that most of […]

Dr. McGowan's 1,000 ESG Procedures: A National First

This week, Dr. Christopher McGowan, True You Weight Loss CEO and Medical Director, performed his 1000th Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty (ESG), making him the first and only physician in the country to reach this milestone. This achievement comes as the CDC reports a rise in obesity rates during the pandemic, fueled by stress, job loss, and […]

Q&A: Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty (ESG)

If you’ve been trying to lose weight through diet and exercise without much success, you’re not alone. Each year, millions of people make the attempt, but either they can’t lose much weight or they gain it back not longer after losing it. At True You Weight Loss, we are passionate about helping you break this […]

Obesity Treatment: Endoscopic Bariatric Procedures

The United States has an obesity problem, and the impulse to throw money at the problem clearly hasn’t been working. In fact, when you include everything from diet soft drinks to health clubs to appetite suppressants, the weight management industry in America is valued at a whopping $78 billion per year. Yet even with all […]

Cutting Edge Weight Loss Options

For many people struggling with obesity, losing excess weight feels like a huge, elusive challenge. Years of yo-yo dieting and sporadic exercise programs seem to make no difference, and often people just get fed up with even making the effort. Even though bariatric surgery has been around for decades, the inherent dangers of surgery make […]

Not So Fast: Replacing Fast Food with Healthy Alternatives

A Happy Meal from McDonald’s is an institution in the lives of many kids in America. As we grow up, though, greasy cheeseburgers, fried chicken, and french fries are not so happy anymore. No matter how good it may taste, fast food can do a number on our waistlines. There are no two ways about […]

Exploring Non-Surgical Weight Loss Procedures

Losing weight can be hard, and billions of dollars are spent every year by Americans trying to shed unwanted pounds. Fad diets, expensive exercise equipment, and unused gym memberships are just some of the tools people use to try to lose weight, but they’re usually ineffective and often demoralizing. When the traditional methods don’t work, […]

Working For It: How to Burn Fat Fast

The time has come to stop kidding yourself. That extra weight has been piling on for a while, and it isn’t going away on its own. Even if you are the kind of guy who would willingly take down kale and beet salads instead of a steak, you can still find yourself trotting around a […]

Comparing Weight Loss Procedures: ESG and ORBERA®

Every January, people from all walks of life start the new year with a long list of resolutions that they feel passionate about achieving. Unfortunately, more often than not, those grand ambitions don’t translate to the kind of life change we have in mind. Of course one of the most popular New Year’s resolutions involves […]

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