Success Stories


Success Stories

For most of his adult life, Scott was trapped in a seemingly endless cycle of losing weight, gaining it back, and then gaining more. Scott says he lost the same 100 pounds on four different occasions, but for multiple reasons, the weight just wouldn’t...

Success Stories

When Kate relocated to the United States from Eastern Europe ten years ago, she knew it would be a big transition. However, she never imagined the degree to which her life would change just a few years down the road. It all began when...

Success Stories

During his high school years, Bentley lost his best friend – and was overcome with grief and despair at a young age. Soon after this trauma, food became an addiction and an emotional crutch. Between the ages of 17 and 25, Bentley gained nearly...

Success Stories

It’s hard enough to be a pre-teen, but being overweight during these tough years can make it even harder. Gaila started struggling with her weight at around age 12. She remembers her mother putting her on various diets, including a protein syrup diet, a...

Success Stories

Jackie T., a hospital unit secretary from Grifton, North Carolina, is not unlike many women who have experienced continued weight gain after pregnancy. While Jackie and her husband were thrilled to welcome their first and only child, Kimberly, into their family, Jackie’s weight and...

Success Stories

The ironic thing about Anthony Boggs’ weight gain is that he didn’t even realize it was happening until the scale had reached what he calls “a scary place.” Unlike many, Anthony explains that he felt confident about himself and was mostly unaware of his...