“In our culture, it’s totally acceptable to comfort yourself with foods that are unhealthy after a bad day,” Jenny explains. Unfortunately for Jenny, this mindset laid the foundation for decades of struggling with weight loss, fad diets and declining confidence.
While Jenny says she was always overweight, things were relatively stable prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. “For most of my adult life, my weight hovered between 180-200 pounds. When I’d inch closer to 200 pounds, I’d change things up to get it under control. With the stress of the pandemic, my weight reached 244 pounds and I knew it was time to do something. But fad diets never worked for me. I’d tried Weight Watchers a few times – and the program sounds great until you get hungry — really hungry. Once that hunger set in for me, I’d go back to eating and couldn’t control it. It was a vicious cycle.”
Jenny Finds Motivation to Take Control of Her Health
By late 2022, Jenny was prediabetic and feeling physically uncomfortable. While two of her sisters had undergone the gastric sleeve (a traditional type of bariatric surgery also known as vertical sleeve gastrectomy), Jenny knew she wasn’t likely to qualify for that procedure and truthfully, she didn’t want to undergo an invasive surgery.
As a wound care nurse, health was the true driving factor behind her desire to lose weight. “Every day in my nursing career, I saw patients suffering from diabetes and arterial disease, both of which go hand-in-hand with obesity. This was very motivating for me to take control of my health and weight,” Jenny explains.
She considered taking a GLP-1 weight loss medication, but after realizing it would require a long-term commitment and lifelong investment, Jenny kept looking.
Discovering a New Approach to Sustainable Weight Loss Without Surgery
“Weight loss is expensive, so I began searching online for clinical trials. I saw a gastric balloon trial but knew that procedure wouldn’t affect the true source of my problem [hunger], so my search continued until I found True You’s Ablate Weight study. I was very intrigued by the ablation option, and it was comforting to know that while the use of ablation for weight was new, the same technique had been safely used in the stomach for other conditions.”
Feeling hopeful, Jenny booked her first consultation with True You Weight Loss. She was impressed with Dr. McGowan’s credentials and background and said the team instilled confidence that this was the right decision for her.