Categoría: Gastric Balloon

Removable Gastric Balloons Jumpstart Weight Loss: Are They Right For You?

When considering a non-surgical weight loss procedure, most patients prioritize flexibility, safety, and efficacy. Gastric balloons check all those boxes while offering a completely reversible, minimally invasive, and less costly option for sustainable weight loss. Benefits of Gastric Balloons Gastric balloons can help patients lose 30 to 50 pounds on average (though many will lose […]

What Can I Do About Loose Skin After Weight Loss?  

Obesity affects millions of people every year, and Americans spend billions of dollars on health foods, supplements, exercise equipment, and gym memberships to try to lose weight. Some people manage to lose a few pounds here and there before putting it back on a few months later. Others, though, have had great success stories where […]

New Weight Loss Balloon Approved By The FDA

This week, the Food & Drug Administration approved Spatz3, the only adjustable gastric balloon system for weight loss. The Spatz3 balloon, which has been in use internationally for years, with almost 90,000 treatments, is now available in the United States. True You Weight Loss is proud to be a Spatz Medical partner and will be […]

Obesity Treatment: Endoscopic Bariatric Procedures

The United States has an obesity problem, and the impulse to throw money at the problem clearly hasn’t been working. In fact, when you include everything from diet soft drinks to health clubs to appetite suppressants, the weight management industry in America is valued at a whopping $78 billion per year. Yet even with all […]

Exploring Non-Surgical Weight Loss Procedures

Losing weight can be hard, and billions of dollars are spent every year by Americans trying to shed unwanted pounds. Fad diets, expensive exercise equipment, and unused gym memberships are just some of the tools people use to try to lose weight, but they’re usually ineffective and often demoralizing. When the traditional methods don’t work, […]

Comparing Weight Loss Procedures: ESG and ORBERA®

Every January, people from all walks of life start the new year with a long list of resolutions that they feel passionate about achieving. Unfortunately, more often than not, those grand ambitions don’t translate to the kind of life change we have in mind. Of course one of the most popular New Year’s resolutions involves […]

Stomaching the High Cost of Bariatric Surgery

They say you can’t put a price on good health. That may be true, but it is also true that hospitals and doctors still charge a hefty amount to perform surgery.  Dropping pounds can be an expensive proposition. While on a diet you may be eating less food, but you are likely to pay more […]

Understanding the Alternatives to Gastric Bypass

“Easier said than done” is a phrase that applies to many things in life. Losing weight is definitely in that category. If you have been carrying excess body weight, and especially if you have a body mass index (BMI) above 30, you know exactly how hard it can be to drop pounds.  For some people, […]

A Guide to Gastric Bypass Surgery

If you are reading this article, there is a chance you or someone you know is overweight. In fact, as harsh as it may sound, you may have heard the term “morbidly obese.” This is not a sensational term. The negative health effects of being severely overweight are a genuine threat to your life. Especially […]

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