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Fat Dissolving Injections Explained

We all have things we’d like to change about our bodies. These desires are often related to targeted fat loss or contouring around places like the face, neck, thighs, or abdomen. For fat loss in a small targeted area, fat-dissolving injections may be an option. These are minimally invasive injections to help dissolve unwanted fat […]

After ESG and Pregnancy, Women Can Still Maintain Weight Loss

Obesity poses significant health risks for women of reproductive age, but should you consider a non-surgical weight loss procedure if you plan to get pregnant in the future? Non-surgical weight loss procedures, including endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty (ESG), are safe and effective for many adult women, regardless of their reproductive status. The healthier you are when you […]

Non-Surgical Gastric Sleeve Revision Procedure Can Give Bariatric Surgery a Second Chance at Success

Gastric sleeve, or vertical sleeve gastrectomy, is one of the most commonly performed bariatric surgeries available today. It’s a very effective procedure overall, but because obesity is a chronic and relapsing condition – it doesn’t work long-term for every patient. Some patients experience significant weight loss at first, but their progress stalls or they even […]

When to Consider Bariatric Surgery Revision

Bariatric surgery is a safe and effective option for the treatment of obesity, offering significant long-term weight loss that improves a variety of obesity-related conditions, including type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, high cholesterol, and more. However, some patients will experience weight recurrence – approximately one in five, to be exact – regaining their excess […]

Removable Gastric Balloons Jumpstart Weight Loss: Are They Right For You?

When considering a non-surgical weight loss procedure, most patients prioritize flexibility, safety, and efficacy. Gastric balloons check all those boxes while offering a completely reversible, minimally invasive, and less costly option for sustainable weight loss. Benefits of Gastric Balloons Gastric balloons can help patients lose 30 to 50 pounds on average (though many will lose […]

IVF and Non-Surgical Weight Loss: A Path to a Healthy Pregnancy

Understanding the Impact of Obesity on Fertility Obesity is on the rise globally among women of reproductive age; experts estimate that by 2025, one in five women will be clinically obese. Obesity’s links to chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascular disease are well-documented, but excess weight can also cause reproductive health […]

Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty Proves More Cost-Effective Than Semaglutide

There is no argument that medications containing semaglutide, like Ozempic and Wegovy, have gone viral for weight loss. Maybe you have considered trying one of these medications or have already tried one. While these medications are highly effective in the short term, they are costly and may not be as effective in the long term […]

What To Know Before Beginning (Or Quitting) Weight Loss Medications

Oprah Winfrey is well known for her lifelong struggles with weight. Recently, she hosted a prime-time special called “Shame, Blame and the Weight Loss Revolution,” in which she discussed her recent use of one of the popular weight loss medications and how it helped her achieve a healthier weight.  Oprah’s weight loss special comes at […]

The Dangers of Ozempic and Other GLP-1 Weight Loss Injections

Ozempic, Other GLP-1 Meds Highly Effective But Come With Risks Ozempic is a highly effective drug for treating type 2 diabetes and promoting weight loss, but like many medications, it brings a long list of potential side effects and risks. It’s important to discuss these risks with your physician whenever you’re considering a new medication […]

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