Categoría: Health

Weight Lifting for Women: Can it Lead to Weight Loss?

Until the last few decades, weight lifting was associated primarily with male bodybuilders or professional athletes. Since then, there has been significant research into the benefits of lifting weights and building lean muscle. And even though it was once a male-dominated area of exercise, an increasing number of women have begun to add strength training […]

Understanding Fluid Retention

When you think of the human body, you think of solid material like bones, skin, and muscle. Surprisingly, though, the body is composed mostly of water. In fact, when we’re infants, our bodies are around 75% water; by the time we become adults, that equalizes out to around 50-60% water. And because of this high […]

Metabolic Syndrome and Weight Loss

Over the last few decades, ongoing research has helped doctors more fully understand the complex relationship between obesity and a number of negative health outcomes. One of the ways the international medical community has tried to clarify this link is by establishing the criteria for diagnosing metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is characterized by having several […]

The Nutritional Benefits of Oat Milk

Cow’s milk is a familiar staple in many cultures around the world, but not everyone can actually digest it. In fact, about 65% of humans have some amount of lactose intolerance, a reduced ability to digest the lactose present in milk and other dairy products. In recent decades, a variety of lactose-free, plant-based milk alternatives […]

Pop and Drop: Do Weight Loss Pills Really Work?

Of all the dubious claims and suspect wonder drugs on the market, there is probably no segment more fraught with suspicious claims than diet pills. When faced with the prospect of the hard work it takes to change your diet and lifestyle, many people are tempted by claims of being able to lose weight by […]

When Prescription Medication Hinders Your Weight Loss Progress

Medication is a welcome relief for a wide variety of physical and mental issues, but when your medication leads to weight gain, it can be frustrating and confusing. Trading one health challenge for another is never a good idea, so what can you do to find a solution for each? Reasons for Weight Gain Related […]

A Closer Look at Menopause Belly

As we age, we generally become more accustomed to our bodies. As a result, it can be surprising when suddenly things start to change. For women approaching menopause, the changing hormone levels that accompany the end of your regular menstrual cycle can bring about a host of changes. One of these can be the unwelcome […]

Strength Training: A Weight Loss Strategy You Shouldn’t Resist

Strength training, also known as resistance training, is an important element of your physical activity plan and is a great tool to support healthy weight loss. Known as any activity by which you are placing resistance on your muscles, strength training allows you to burn more fat while building and shaping your body. It includes […]

Weight Loss and Basal Metabolic Rate

Beginning a weight loss journey can be a daunting task for many people. In addition to the basic commitment to change that is inherently required, developing a weight loss plan involves a lot of modifications to one’s diet and physical activity level. Yet while increasing physical activity level is definitely beneficial for weight loss and […]

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