Categoría: Healthy Eating

When You Aren’t What You Eat: Fats and the Keto Diet

If someone told you one of the fastest ways to lose fat was to eat more fat, you might think they were crazy. As surprising as it sounds, especially after years of nutritionists telling us to cut down on dietary fat, losing weight by eating lots of high-fat food is exactly what the ketogenic diet […]

Weight Loss that Works for Men

Some things happen slowly in life, and as the years pass, changes can sneak up on you when you are not looking. This is definitely the case with weight gain. In your 20s, it may not matter if you have another beer or eat some tempting but unhealthy fast food now and again. Add on […]

Medical Nutrition Therapy For Weight Loss

Losing weight is a significant challenge for most people, in large part because it requires making daily lifestyle changes. Even using state-of-the-art weight loss services like those offered by True You, sustained, significant weight loss is dependent on adopting a new diet with nutritious food choices and fewer calories. Unlike fad diets and severely restrictive […]

The Benefits and Pitfalls of Dried Fruit

The phrase “more than meets the eye” was never more true than when it comes to dried fruit. The shriveled up, shelf-stable versions of your favorite fruits can be both a blessing and a curse depending on how you look at them. Dried fruit, after all, is still fruit and comes with nearly all the […]

Symptoms and Management of Fructose Malabsorption

Stomach problems are a pretty common occurrence for most of us. Maybe you ate too much on Thanksgiving, or maybe you ate something that didn’t agree with you, or maybe you have a more complicated condition like irritable bowel syndrome. The truth is that an upset stomach can be a symptom of many different maladies, […]

The Benefits of a High-Protein Diet

For so many Americans, being “on a diet” is the only way they know to lose body weight. Even if paired with a rigorous exercise plan, weight loss diets are the go-to solution they hope will bring them freedom from overweight or obesity. Over the last several decades, a stunning variety of diet plans have […]

Does Sugar Really Make You Fat?

Prior to the last few decades, Americans were blissfully unaware of the impact of added sugar on their health. It wasn’t until the 1970s that nutritionists (and creators of low-carb diets like Dr. Robert Atkins) began to alert the public to the potential dangers of high sugar consumption, but it didn’t permeate the public’s consciousness […]

Clear Liquid Diet and Other Fad Diets

As obesity and overweight continue to be among the greatest health challenges faced in the United States today, the appetite for fad diets has grown steadily. In fact, the weight loss industry has been valued at over $70 billion annually, and experts expect it to continue growing (the downturn this year is almost exclusively explained […]

How to Choose Heart-Healthy Snacks

For many Americans, snacking is an activity that transcends tiding oneself over until the next meal. We snack while at work, while watching TV, at parties, during the holidays, and endless other occasions. Moreover, the variety of snack foods we indulge on is just as diverse: chips, cookies, crackers, pretzels, candy ... the list of […]

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