Categoría: Healthy Eating

Filling in the Gaps: The Importance of Nutrition Density

It is not without some irony that the food many people eat in the United States is called the Standard American Diet, or “SAD.” With obesity rates going up every year, more and more people are finding that the foods we are used to eating may not be as healthy for us as we think.  […]

5 Tips for Meals Post-Endobariatric Surgery

Endobariatric weight loss procedures can be completely life-altering—offering patients rapid, long-term weight loss that can lead to a fuller, healthier life. Yet, like any weight loss procedure, patients will have to navigate a series of changes that can be overwhelming if you don’t know what to expect. Guidelines To Eating After Endobariatric Surgery Former bariatric […]

What to Do About Compulsive Overeating

Everyone overeats from time to time, and it usually happens during Thanksgiving or some other holiday where elaborate feasts are prepared. Yet for some people, overeating can become an ongoing habit that dominates daily life. In addition to the very real psychological concerns about this kind of food addiction, overeating can also become a cause […]

The Best Apps for Health & Weight Loss

When it comes to weight loss, healthy eating, mindfulness and fitness tracking—there’s an app for that. By using a combination of the many health, diet, and fitness apps that are available and easy to use, you can hold yourself accountable for maintaining good habits on a daily basis, and you can even learn new things […]

An Honest Look at the Cheat Day

So, you decided to get serious about your health, and have been keeping to a strict diet. All that healthy eating is starting to show benefits, but as time goes on, you are starting to get a craving for carbs that just won’t quit. Is it ok to add in a cheat day without undoing […]

Massive Limitations: Understanding the Body Mass Index

Knowing that the scale, or the tape measure, is showing you a number you don’t like is easy, but how do you know whether your body weight poses a risk to your health? For children, growth charts and other forms of evaluation help us get a picture of what might be a healthy weight range. […]

Alcohol and Weight Loss

Most people have been on a diet at one point or another during the course of their lives, and that usually means starting a process of figuring out what they’re “allowed” to eat and drink while on the diet. Some foods with high fat or sugar content, like cakes and cookies, are pretty clearly not […]

The Unexpected Results of Fat Shaming

If someone tells you, “Don’t think about a blue unicorn,” what is the first thing that comes to mind? Likely as not, it will be a strangely colored mythical creature. As silly as this example is, it illustrates a concept that is applied in far more consequential ways—that negative motivations or suggestions often produce the […]

7 Creative Ways to Get More Fluids Every Day

Water, pure and simple, is an essential component to your health and the weight loss process. While many dieters become so focused on their nutrition, calories, and exercise, they can often forget that water also brings with it a wealth of health benefits that help make an impact on the scale. True You Weight Loss […]

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