Categoría: Obesity

Weighing Your Obesity Treatment Options: Ozempic, ESG, and More

Obesity is a chronic, relapsing condition that often needs medical intervention beyond diet and lifestyle changes. In recent years, there’s been an incredible and promising increase in treatment options to help patients lose weight, improve their metabolic health, and lead fuller, happier lives. But these options can be overwhelming. With so much information out there, […]

Is NASH Caused by Obesity? 

As obesity continues to rise in the United States, more and more obesity-related conditions are similarly becoming more prevalent. Overwhelming evidence from recent decades—in the form of randomized controlled clinical trials and various meta-analyses—has shown clearly that obesity can harm virtually any aspect of health. Yet while cardiovascular disease and conditions like type 2 diabetes […]

How to Get Back on Track After Overeating   

Even if you’re fully committed to living a healthier lifestyle with a balanced diet, there are going to be times when you overindulge and eat more than you should. Whether it's a celebratory meal, a social gathering, or a “cheat day,” it’s natural to eat more than you normally do from time to time. Overeating […]

The Importance of Nutrition Education Programs in Schools   

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the proportion of adolescents who are dealing with obesity has tripled since the 1970s. Based on data from 2017-2018, the CDC estimates that over 20% of young people from ages 6-19 are considered obese or severely obese and an additional 16% are considered overweight. With […]

The Link Between Obesity and Osteoarthritis   

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the worldwide prevalence of overweight and obesity has nearly tripled since 1975. One of the results of this drastic increase is a marked rise in health conditions like cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and some forms of cancer. Much of this is due to the effects of obesity […]

How Are Asthma and Obesity Linked?

As the impact of obesity continues to increase in the United States and around the world, so also does the prevalence of a variety of obesity-related diseases and disorders. The precise reasons for the link between obesity and these other conditions continues to be explored in clinical trials, but the evidence is clear that carrying […]

What a Pain: Obesity and Chronic Knee Pain

It is well known that being overweight can put you at higher risk of conditions such as heart disease and hypertension, but these high-profile conditions are just the tip of the iceberg. Many other conditions can arise as a result of, or be worsened by, being overweight.  Though it doesn’t get the same attention as […]

Unholy Alliance: The Many Parts of Metabolic Syndrome

Imagine a condition that has few visible symptoms, affects 20% of all Americans, nearly 40% of people in their 60s and 70s, and could dramatically increase your risk of heart attack. Now imagine that condition is something you have probably never heard of and know little about.  If this sounds a bit alarming, or like […]

Understanding Morbid Obesity

Since the 1980s, obesity has become an increasingly prevalent health concern in both the United States and around the world. In fact, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has noted that mean body mass index (BMI), a common metric used to determine likelihood of obesity, has risen steadily across the globe. An even more concerning […]

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