Categoría: Weight Gain

Cushing’s Syndrome and Weight Gain

Unexplained weight gain is an unwelcome development for almost anyone; indeed, apart from body builders and certain other types of athletes, few people actually want to gain weight. Yet, to medical professionals, true unexplained weight gain is not the same thing as weight gained because a person is unexpectedly in a calorie surplus. As much […]

The Relationship Between Insomnia and Weight Gain

Even though there has been some evidence of decline in recent years, sales in the weight loss industry are still estimated to be around $50 billion a year. Decades of specialty food products and exercise equipment promised that dieting and exercise alone would lead to weight loss. Research in recent years, however, has shown that […]

Unexplained Weight Gain … Explained

We all know what it feels like to realize the best plans we had for a new diet or exercise routine aren’t quite working out. What can be more surprising is discovering that, even though your nutrition and physical activity are dialed in, the number on the scale is going up instead of down.  With […]

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