Categoría: Weight Loss

The Fight Against Beer Bellies

Americans love beer, and the love only seems to be increasing. Indeed, overall alcohol consumption has been rising for decades, but beer remains the favorite with more than 40% of all alcohol consumed. Yet all this beer is harming our health; excessive beer consumption can and often does lead to a variety of negative health […]

How Late Night Snacking Could Signal Deeper Problems

Lots of diets and weight loss plans put emphasis on what you do and do not eat. For many of us, though, the focus should be on when you are eating rather than on exactly what goes on your plate.  For people who have a habit of nighttime snacking, there can be many reasons to […]

Cutting Edge Weight Loss Options

For many people struggling with obesity, losing excess weight feels like a huge, elusive challenge. Years of yo-yo dieting and sporadic exercise programs seem to make no difference, and often people just get fed up with even making the effort. Even though bariatric surgery has been around for decades, the inherent dangers of surgery make […]

Freezing Fat: Can Body Sculpting Help with Weight Loss?

Frosty the Snowman may have been threatened by melting away when it got too hot, but humans don’t really share that same trouble. Having extra body weight simply melt off sounds pretty tempting, but can a change in temperature really help you change your waistline? It turns out that sometimes the answer is “yes.” Many […]

Can Xylitol Help You Lose Weight?

There is no way around it—Americans are addicted to sugar. On average, we eat 2-4 times the recommended amount of sugar every day, and this trend is having drastic effects on our waistlines.  As the effects of increasing sugar consumption become more and more apparent, the search for alternative sweeteners continues. For the last century, […]

Exploring Non-Surgical Weight Loss Procedures

Losing weight can be hard, and billions of dollars are spent every year by Americans trying to shed unwanted pounds. Fad diets, expensive exercise equipment, and unused gym memberships are just some of the tools people use to try to lose weight, but they’re usually ineffective and often demoralizing. When the traditional methods don’t work, […]

Dieting for Men: How to Build Lasting Weight Loss

You did your best. You put as much time into exercising as you could, but you still aren’t losing the pounds you hoped. Before you give up on weight loss entirely and say goodbye forever to the man you used to be, it might be time to try the one thing you don’t want to […]

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