Meet Paige Ford

Paige is a Patient Care Consultant born and raised in a small country town called Pikeville, NC. Earning a business degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Health Care Management and over 15 years of customer service experience, she brings expertise in customer service, training, and leadership to True You Weight Loss. Paige has a passion for serving people and she loves seeing people happy, healthy, and accomplishing their goals.

Paige has two nephews who are like her own children. When she is not working, she is spending time with her family, staying active, and spending time in nature. Being in nature, journaling, and listening to music is very therapeutic to her, especially at the beach.

Fun facts about Paige:

  • She loves working out and lifting weights.
  • She loves sports, especially basketball. Go TARHEELS!
  • She loves hosting events for her family.
  • She loves researching and learning about naturopathic and holistic health and wellness.

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