Category: Fitness

Diet and exercise are critical components of any weight loss journey, but fighting obesity takes more than lifestyle change. Bariatric surgery and obesity medications are both highly effective treatment options, but they come with risks, side effects, and a hefty price tag. Non-surgical weight...

Even though most people would agree that strength training probably has some value for health, the practice is usually associated with bodybuilders and fitness fanatics in an off-putting or maybe even an intimidating way. Also, some people simply can’t afford a gym membership or...

Over the last few years, the COVID-19 pandemic caused a lot of changes in the way people live and work. Yet regardless of whether you now work from home or still have to commute, you’re likely just as busy as ever. Being busy also...

As the holidays approach, the joy and anticipation of the season might be overshadowed by feelings of concern or worry—especially for those who are trying to lose weight or maintain a recent weight loss. That’s because food and beverages tend to be at the...

From Weight Watchers to low-carb diets to juice cleanses, the options for attempting to lose weight have never been more plentiful. Yet sadly, no matter how much time, money, and energy Americans spend on losing weight or maintaining a healthy weight, the goal often...

Having a few extra pounds around the middle is something that happens to many of us as we age. Almost as sure as it is that you might gain a few extra pounds, you will probably want to drop them quickly to fit into...

Gaining weight is an unwelcome change for pretty much everyone, but it can look different from person to person. In men, excess fat typically builds up around the midsection, but for women it tends to be more in the hips and thighs. One area...

According to the American Diabetes Association, over 10% of the population of the United States has some form of diabetes. Out of that nearly 35 million people, it is estimated that around seven million have diabetes but aren’t diagnosed. Many of these cases (if...

A holiday that’s heavily focused on food may feel overwhelming for many—especially those who have recently undergone a weight loss procedure. If you’re feeling anxious about the upcoming holiday, here are some top tips to help you manage the holiday in a healthy way....

For some people, exercise is like a mountain that’s difficult to climb—and that’s understandable. Incorporating regular, effective exercise into your life is no small feat. It requires self-discipline, self-confidence, a sacrifice of time, physical exertion when you feel tired, getting up early or extending...