Categoría: Fitness

A Closer Look at Menopause Belly

As we age, we generally become more accustomed to our bodies. As a result, it can be surprising when suddenly things start to change. For women approaching menopause, the changing hormone levels that accompany the end of your regular menstrual cycle can bring about a host of changes. One of these can be the unwelcome […]

Exercise is Key for the Weight Loss Win

We’ve all heard it: to lose weight, we need to eat less and move more. While endobariatric patients are almost always going to start off eating less, many find it a struggle to move more. Yet, we know that regular exercise is very helpful for patients trying to lose or maintain weight.  Exercise is helpful […]

Strength Training: A Weight Loss Strategy You Shouldn’t Resist

Strength training, also known as resistance training, is an important element of your physical activity plan and is a great tool to support healthy weight loss. Known as any activity by which you are placing resistance on your muscles, strength training allows you to burn more fat while building and shaping your body. It includes […]

The Best Apps for Health & Weight Loss

When it comes to weight loss, healthy eating, mindfulness and fitness tracking—there’s an app for that. By using a combination of the many health, diet, and fitness apps that are available and easy to use, you can hold yourself accountable for maintaining good habits on a daily basis, and you can even learn new things […]

Fight, Flight, or Fat? How Stress can Lead to Weight Gain

If looking in the mirror and seeing evidence of a few more pounds than you like makes you stressed, you are not alone. Being stressed about unexpected weight gain is easy enough to understand. What many people fail to realize is those extra pounds could be coming from stress itself.  Can Stress Cause You to […]

Laura Sebring’s Weight Loss Trifecta: Nutrition, Fluids & Exercise

After many years of helping patients lose weight, True You Weight Loss bariatric and weight loss dietitian Laura Sebring, MS, RD, LDN, has a really good idea of what works—and what doesn’t. While every patient is different, and customized nutrition plans are critical for long-term success, she gives her patients similar advice when it comes […]

Run for Your Life: Running for Healthy Weight Loss

Running seems so simple; aren’t humans built to do this anyway? How hard can it be? For something we all did as kids without thinking about it, picking up running as a regular pastime later in life can be surprisingly difficult.  If you have reached the middle of life, or find yourself needing to lose […]

Dieting for Men: How to Build Lasting Weight Loss

You did your best. You put as much time into exercising as you could, but you still aren’t losing the pounds you hoped. Before you give up on weight loss entirely and say goodbye forever to the man you used to be, it might be time to try the one thing you don’t want to […]

Working For It: How to Burn Fat Fast

The time has come to stop kidding yourself. That extra weight has been piling on for a while, and it isn’t going away on its own. Even if you are the kind of guy who would willingly take down kale and beet salads instead of a steak, you can still find yourself trotting around a […]

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