Categoría: Fitness

Weight Loss that Works for Men

Some things happen slowly in life, and as the years pass, changes can sneak up on you when you are not looking. This is definitely the case with weight gain. In your 20s, it may not matter if you have another beer or eat some tempting but unhealthy fast food now and again. Add on […]

Walk it Off: The Benefits of Walking for Weight Loss

It can seem like there aren’t many easy wins in life. This is particularly true of losing weight. If you are like many Americans, you have probably contemplated starting many an exercise routine but given up. This might have been due to the challenge of getting a gym membership, finding people to work out with, […]

How to Choose Heart-Healthy Snacks

For many Americans, snacking is an activity that transcends tiding oneself over until the next meal. We snack while at work, while watching TV, at parties, during the holidays, and endless other occasions. Moreover, the variety of snack foods we indulge on is just as diverse: chips, cookies, crackers, pretzels, candy ... the list of […]

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