Categoría: Weight Loss

Cutting the Meat: Plant-Based Diets

One trend in dining that has grown more than others over the last several years is the plant-based diet. While it may seem like a change of pace for many in rich, Western societies, eating a plant-based or plant-forward diet free of processed foods has actually been the norm for most people throughout history.  Dietary […]

The Health Effects of Abdominal Obesity

As we approach the new year, after a month-long onslaught of holiday feasting, many of us start to think about dieting again. For most people, it feels mostly like a cosmetic concern; maybe you notice that you’ve gotten a little more plump around the midsection when you look in the mirror. The truth is, though, […]

Planning to Lose: Weight Loss Meal Planning

“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail” is a saying that can certainly be applied to losing weight. It is one thing to hope and wish that the pounds will melt away on their own, but weight loss takes planning and intentionality.  Exercising and staying active is important, but what you eat, […]

Kept in the Dark: The Health Benefits of Chocolate

If your doctor were to put you on a diet to ward off high blood pressure, you may expect a life of broccoli and kale smoothies is heading your way. If that is the case, you may be relieved to learn that chocolate, and dark chocolate in particular, may still be on the list of […]

The Truth About Face Fat

Gaining weight is an unwelcome change for pretty much everyone, but it can look different from person to person. In men, excess fat typically builds up around the midsection, but for women it tends to be more in the hips and thighs. One area of the body that is especially distressing to many people is […]

That’s All Yolks: Whole Egg Nutrition

Of all the conflicting nutrition advice you can find, the swirl of confusion and conflicting advice over the years regarding eggs might take the cake. Since early research into the role of dietary  cholesterol in heart disease surfaced in the 1960s, some in the medical and nutrition worlds have demonized eggs due to their high […]

Shake it Off: Ultrasonic Cavitation for Fat Loss

Anyone who has tried to get rid of stubborn fat deposits has probably wished there was a way to just melt the pounds away. It turns out that fat dissolving injections can sort of melt fat away, and you can freeze it off with procedures like CoolSculpting. If you don’t want to resort to liposuction, […]

Pop and Drop: Do Weight Loss Pills Really Work?

Of all the dubious claims and suspect wonder drugs on the market, there is probably no segment more fraught with suspicious claims than diet pills. When faced with the prospect of the hard work it takes to change your diet and lifestyle, many people are tempted by claims of being able to lose weight by […]

How Do We Know Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty (ESG) Really Works?

Endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty, otherwise known as ESG, is the endobariatric, non-surgical alternative to weight loss surgery for many patients who aren’t interested in or eligible for bariatric surgery. Offering comparable outcomes to those seen with the surgical sleeve gastrectomy, ESG is completely non-surgical, and the entire procedure takes less than an hour. Patients go home […]

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