Categoría: Weight Loss

Diabetes Mellitus: Causes and Treatments

According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), the prevalence of obesity in the United States has increased from 30.5% to 41.9% in the last 20 years. Moreover, the number of people classified as severely obese (BMI greater than 40) doubled during the same time period. Unfortunately this trend has also meant an […]

Possible Causes of Involuntary Weight Loss

For most people, weight loss is an important goal, either for aesthetic reasons or as a part of improving overall health. Indeed, with obesity so widespread in the United States, losing weight is a national health imperative. Sometimes, though, weight loss occurs without any apparent cause or even if the person wasn’t even attempting to […]

What Are the Health Benefits of Sweet Potatoes?

The sweet potato has been a staple food for many cultures around the world for thousands of years. This deep orange tuber is native to Central and South America, but it has also been a popular element of many different types of cuisine in the United States for as long as the country has been […]

ESG Offers Safe Weight Loss for Patients with Class III Obesity

Patients lost and maintained more than 20 percent of total body weight after three years, with clinical improvement in metabolic comorbidities Endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty (ESG) is an effective, long-term weight loss tool for patients with class III obesity—leading to significant total body weight loss (TBWL) and excess weight loss (EWL) after three years, according to […]

Glucomannan and Weight Loss 

If you’ve ever tried to lose weight, you’re probably aware of the seemingly endless array of trending health products and exercise systems and diet plans that are available. It can be overwhelming and confusing for even the most dedicated and informed person. Beyond dieting and exercise regimens, though, one of the most popular things to […]

Super Sprouts: The Health Benefits of Brussels Sprouts

For some of us, the thought of a plate of crispy Brussels sprouts sautéed in oil might get your mouth watering. For others, this sounds like dietary torture. Love them or leave them, you cannot deny the nutritional benefits of Brussels sprouts.   Related to collard greens and cabbages, Brussels sprouts are nutritional powerhouses that can […]

Does Metformin Work for Weight Loss?

The close connection between type 2 diabetes and obesity has been understood by healthcare providers for decades in the United States, but unfortunately both conditions have continued to increase in prevalence. Because the link between the two is related to insulin levels and blood sugar levels, the main treatment for diabetes is medication that aims […]

The Peruvian Powerhouse: Health Benefits of Lima Beans

Boston may be known as Beantown, but the city of Lima is one of the only cities to lend its name to an actual bean. Originating in South America, the bean of the Phaseolus lunatus vine has found its way into kitchens far beyond Peru. These beige, green, or white beans are packed with a […]

What to Know About Buccal Fat Removal

If you’ve ever heard nicknames like “baby face” and “chipmunk cheeks,” it’s probably because the person in question has a notably round face. Yet even though the appearance of chubby cheeks is the result of fat under the skin, it isn’t the same kind of subcutaneous fat associated with obesity. Moreover, it isn’t even necessarily […]

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