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Cushing’s Syndrome and Weight Gain

Unexplained weight gain is an unwelcome development for almost anyone; indeed, apart from body builders and certain other types of athletes, few people actually want to gain weight. Yet, to medical professionals, true unexplained weight gain is not the same thing as weight gained because a person is unexpectedly in a calorie surplus. As much […]

Top Summer Recipes from True You Weight Loss

If you’re looking for healthy, summery, True You Weight Loss-approved recipes, you’ve come to the right place. True You Weight Loss registered dietitian and health coach Lori Gooch has compiled these flavorful recipes just for you. Summer Kabobs Serves 4 Ingredients: 2.5 lbs. boneless skinless chicken breasts cut into 1” cubes 1/2 tsp salt (or […]

9 Tips for Enjoying a Healthier Summer Barbecue

Summer is officially here, traditionally the season for firing up the grill and gathering together for a backyard barbecue. However, if you are trying to lose weight, this type of event can actually be a source of stress and anxiety—not because you don’t enjoy socializing with your family, friends, and neighbors, but because you fear […]

Swimsuit Season: Not the Only Reason to Lose Weight

Swimsuits come in all shapes, sizes, colors, and patterns, but you may dread having to wear one. Excess weight and body image often play a major role. However, when summer arrives, no one wants to miss out on fun times at the beach, pool, or lake. You can use this as a source of motivation […]

Understanding Fluid Retention

When you think of the human body, you think of solid material like bones, skin, and muscle. Surprisingly, though, the body is composed mostly of water. In fact, when we’re infants, our bodies are around 75% water; by the time we become adults, that equalizes out to around 50-60% water. And because of this high […]

Fad Diets & Weight Loss Trends: Why They Just Don’t Work

As with fashion and interior design, trends in dieting come and go. These so-called fad diets are usually created by fitness enthusiasts, nutritionists, or even doctors who believe they have discovered the latest and greatest method for quickly losing weight. Fad diets are often promoted by the media, and many make unrealistic claims about being […]

Getting To Know Dr. Christopher McGowan

True You Weight Loss was founded by Dr. Christopher McGowan, one of the nation’s few physicians who is triple-board-certified in internal medicine, gastroenterology, and obesity medicine. He is a world-renowned leader in endobariatrics, an emerging field of gastroenterology that aims to address the obesity epidemic without surgical intervention. He brings 20+ years of training, education, […]

The Relationship Between Insomnia and Weight Gain

Even though there has been some evidence of decline in recent years, sales in the weight loss industry are still estimated to be around $50 billion a year. Decades of specialty food products and exercise equipment promised that dieting and exercise alone would lead to weight loss. Research in recent years, however, has shown that […]

Metabolic Syndrome and Weight Loss

Over the last few decades, ongoing research has helped doctors more fully understand the complex relationship between obesity and a number of negative health outcomes. One of the ways the international medical community has tried to clarify this link is by establishing the criteria for diagnosing metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is characterized by having several […]

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