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How Healthy is Plant-Based Meat?

Plant-based meat alternatives have been around for a very long time; indeed, tofu, a food product made from soybeans, was invented in China nearly 2000 years ago. Since then, there have been many food innovations that rely on plant proteins instead of real meat. In recent years, a new wave of plant-based meat alternatives have […]

Clean up Your Act: The Eat Clean Diet

Diets, like many things in life, work best when simple, time-honored practices are applied well. In a world full of fad diets, the Eat-Clean diet could almost be seen as the anti-diet. Rather than restrict the kinds of foods or times of day when you can eat, the philosophy of clean eating recommends consuming a […]

Sugar Intake and Your Health

One of the reasons dieting can be such a challenge is that nutrition science is a relatively new discipline. Since the 1950s, the scientific conception of how the body metabolizes certain types of foods and nutrients has gone through many shifts. An early emphasis on the dangers of vitamin deficiency, for instance, has receded in […]

Some Basic Advice: The Alkaline Diet

Promises of better health from what you eat will always get attention. Claims that easy changes in diet can be powerful against diseases as scary as cancer certainly fit the bill. Proponents of the alkaline diet, also known as the acid alkaline diet or alkaline ash diet, claim just this: that changing your body’s pH […]

Not All Fat is Created Equal

When a person decides that it’s time to lose weight, it’s usually because they’ve noticed their clothes fitting tighter or their face looking fuller in the mirror. Carrying extra body fat is often thought of as a cosmetic issue given how image-conscious American culture can be. Yet as understandable and fundamentally human as that is, […]

Culture Clash: Picking the Best Yogurt

Whether it is starting your day with a giant fresh fruit and granola parfait, or grabbing a cup of fruit-flavored yogurt to go in the middle of a busy day, yogurt has a reputation as a healthy snack for the weight-conscious individual. While regular yogurt can be nutritious and packed with probiotics, its naturally sour […]

Fruit Fats: The Benefits of Avocados

When you think of healthy foods that can help you lose weight, you probably don’t picture a big bowl of guacamole. The fat content of guac might scare some people away, but increasingly dietitians are recognizing the positive effects of eating the right amount of the right type of fat. Though often mistaken for a […]

OMAD: What to Know About the One Meal A Day Diet

If you’ve ever tried to lose weight, you know there are countless different kinds of diets that all have their own unique approach. Finding the “best” diet for you can be a challenging proposition since not all diets are backed by scientific research. One approach to weight loss that has become quite popular in recent […]

What to Know About Brown Fat and Weight Loss

Over the past few decades, much has changed about our understanding of metabolism, nutrition, and weight gain. Though these concepts have been presented in relatively simplistic terms in the past, recent research has shown that the reasons we gain and lose weight are more complicated than what we once thought. Fat content in foods, for […]

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