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Chill Out: The Benefits and Limitations of Cryolipolysis

Anyone who has ever struggled with a few bits of extra body fat that don’t seem to go away no matter how much you exercise or how well you eat has probably wished for a way to just make fat vanish magically.  If you believe the marketing, cryolipolysis, often known by the FDA approved, branded […]

Q&A: Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty (ESG)

If you’ve been trying to lose weight through diet and exercise without much success, you’re not alone. Each year, millions of people make the attempt, but either they can’t lose much weight or they gain it back not longer after losing it. At True You Weight Loss, we are passionate about helping you break this […]

From Dread to Discipline: Loving a Physical Activity

For some people, exercise is like a mountain that’s difficult to climb—and that’s understandable. Incorporating regular, effective exercise into your life is no small feat. It requires self-discipline, self-confidence, a sacrifice of time, physical exertion when you feel tired, getting up early or extending your long day, and in some cases, it could even require […]

Can Wellbutrin Help You Lose Weight?

Anyone who has struggled with either depression or weight gain knows that the two are often linked. Weight gain can be a trigger for depression just as depression can lead to behaviors that cause weight gain. Indeed, even many antidepressants include weight gain as a known side effect. In a somewhat surprising development, however, recent […]

A Closer Look at Menopause Belly

As we age, we generally become more accustomed to our bodies. As a result, it can be surprising when suddenly things start to change. For women approaching menopause, the changing hormone levels that accompany the end of your regular menstrual cycle can bring about a host of changes. One of these can be the unwelcome […]

Exercise is Key for the Weight Loss Win

We’ve all heard it: to lose weight, we need to eat less and move more. While endobariatric patients are almost always going to start off eating less, many find it a struggle to move more. Yet, we know that regular exercise is very helpful for patients trying to lose or maintain weight.  Exercise is helpful […]

Running Low: The Dangers of Low Potassium Levels

If you have ever experienced the unique agony of a muscle cramp while playing a sport or going for a run, you know how painful and memorable such an event can be. People often attribute muscle cramps to not drinking enough fluids, but there is more to the story. Though dehydration is part of the […]

Strength Training: A Weight Loss Strategy You Shouldn’t Resist

Strength training, also known as resistance training, is an important element of your physical activity plan and is a great tool to support healthy weight loss. Known as any activity by which you are placing resistance on your muscles, strength training allows you to burn more fat while building and shaping your body. It includes […]

Weight Loss and Basal Metabolic Rate

Beginning a weight loss journey can be a daunting task for many people. In addition to the basic commitment to change that is inherently required, developing a weight loss plan involves a lot of modifications to one’s diet and physical activity level. Yet while increasing physical activity level is definitely beneficial for weight loss and […]

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