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High-Protein Vegetables You Should Know About

You’ve undoubtedly heard the idea that protein is an important part of your diet, but what amount of protein is necessary each day? The answer depends on your age and sex, but generally speaking (according to the USDA), women need 46 grams of protein and men need 56 grams of protein. The source of protein […]

What Are the Signs of a Food Addiction? 

At nearly 42% of the adult population, the rate of obesity in the United States is at an all-time high. In addition to the stigma related to the physical appearance of carrying excess body fat, obesity is a driver of a variety of chronic medical conditions like heart disease and type 2 diabetes. While there […]

Potential Complications from Gastric Sleeve Surgery   

After a lull following the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of bariatric surgery as a treatment for morbid obesity is on the rise again in the United States. And while mainstay bariatric procedures like Roux-en-Y gastric bypass and adjustable gastric banding remain popular options, another type that has become more common is gastric sleeve surgery. Like […]

A Review of the Keto Diet

People decide to lose weight for many reasons. For some, it’s about looking thinner or fitting some perceived societal standards of health and beauty. For others, it’s about becoming more healthy, or it may be a doctor-directed response to a serious illness. Whatever the motivation, the fact is that more Americans than ever are trying […]

When PCOS Affects Weight and Fertility, Lifestyle Changes Can Help

If a woman is experiencing problems with her hormones, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) could be the diagnosis. With PCOS, the ovaries produce an abnormal amount of androgens, sex hormones that are more prevalent in men and typically found in only small amounts in women. Additionally, many small cysts, or fluid-filled sacs, can develop on a […]

Are You Eating Ultra-Processed Foods?

Ever since the Industrial Revolution prompted dramatic changes in how food is produced, there has been a shift toward making products that are easier to package, longer-lasting, and convenient to eat in the midst of our increasingly busy lives. These foods, prepared in massive quantities and sold in grocery stores, are generally referred to as […]

Heart-Healthy Foods that Lower Cholesterol

Heart disease has been the leading cause of death in the United States since 1950, and in 2021 it claimed the lives of nearly 700,000 Americans. According to the American Heart Association, high cholesterol is one of the biggest risk factors for heart disease, heart attack, and stroke. But it’s also a factor that is […]

Bodyweight Exercises You Can Do Anywhere

Even though most people would agree that strength training probably has some value for health, the practice is usually associated with bodybuilders and fitness fanatics in an off-putting or maybe even an intimidating way. Also, some people simply can’t afford a gym membership or buying a bunch of expensive equipment in their home. The good […]

A Review of Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss

Over the past few decades, a pair of seemingly paradoxical trends have emerged: the number of people who are overweight or obese has risen at the same time as the number of people trying to lose weight. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the decade from 2007-2017 saw obesity rates in the United States rise from 34% to 42% of the population.

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