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Gabapentin: Does it Lead to Gaining Weight?

Most people will experience fluctuations in their body weight from time to time during the normal course of life. The reason weight goes up or down is typically related to dietary habits and regular physical activity levels. Sometimes, though, the standard explanations may not tell the whole story, particularly for those who are on prescription […]

Are Pistachios Good for Weight Loss? 

If you’ve ever tried to lose weight, you know that modifying your diet is a natural place to start the process. Picking the foods you’ll eat, however, can be fraught with uncertainty, especially with all the seemingly contradictory information available online these days. In recent years, foods of all sorts have been studied extensively in […]

Pumpkin Perfection Seven Health Benefits of Your Favorite Fall Melon

From the patch to the porch to the pie to the seeds, pumpkins are a signature symbol of the fall season. Not only are they widely used for autumn décor and enjoyed as a focal point of fall activities, pumpkins are also utilized to create many fall recipes and treats. A common misconception about this […]

Can Antihistamines Lead to Weight Gain? 

The factors that contribute to the fluctuations in our body weight are complex and can be related to many different aspects of our biology and lifestyle. That’s why unexplained weight gain can be a frustrating and confusing experience, regardless of the number of extra pounds on the scale. One possible explanation for weight gain that […]

What Are the Benefits of a Gluten-Free Diet?

Since around the early 2000s in the United States, one food component has continued to get more and more attention, especially in social and news media: gluten. The interest in gluten has been driven, in part, by a marked increase in the incidence of gluten allergies. Once thought to be a rare condition, it is […]

What to Know About Beta Blockers and Weight Gain 

It is perhaps inevitable that we all, at some point in our lives, will need to take a prescribed medication to treat an illness or to manage symptoms that impact our quality of life. Yet as helpful as the medication might be, there’s always a chance that it can cause side effects that have to […]

How Are Asthma and Obesity Linked?

As the impact of obesity continues to increase in the United States and around the world, so also does the prevalence of a variety of obesity-related diseases and disorders. The precise reasons for the link between obesity and these other conditions continues to be explored in clinical trials, but the evidence is clear that carrying […]

What Are the Risks of Gastric Bypass Surgery?

During the 20-year period from 2000 to 2020, the rate of obesity in the United States increased from 30.5% to 41.9%; this is a higher proportion of population than any other large industrialized nation in the world. Yet even as more and more Americans attempt to lose weight through various diet and exercise programs, the […]

Hypothyroidism and Weight Loss

The American Thyroid Association estimates that 20 million Americans have some kind of thyroid condition, but most people (around 60%) probably aren’t even aware they have a thyroid health problem. Because of the important role the thyroid gland plays in many aspects of our physiology, thyroid disorders and disease can be the source of numerous […]

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