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Hiatal Hernia and Weight Loss 

Having a hiatal hernia is a somewhat common occurrence in the United States, with about 20% of the population affected at some point in their lives. It is a much more common occurrence in people over the age of 50, though, and it can unfortunately cause some painful and uncomfortable symptoms. For those with severe […]

Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty Success Story: Hillary Drops 117 lbs

On social media, weight loss is most often presented as an aesthetic choice like wearing the right clothes or putting on makeup. For many people though, weight loss is more about living a healthier life and being there for the people we love. That was the motivation for Hillary Liles, mother, wife, and busy career […]

How Does Parental Influence Affect Children’s Eating Behavior?

From the first spoonful of baby food to the battle over finishing vegetables during family meal times, parents play a profound role in shaping the eating behaviors of their children. This relationship between parents and children isn’t just about providing sustenance, however; it's also ideally about training and preparing children for a lifetime of healthy […]

Long-Term Weight Loss with Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty

Obesity continues to be a major health problem in America, even as more and more people turn to various diet and exercise programs to help them lose weight. By and large, however, dieting and exercise simply don’t work over the long run. Bariatric surgery has been the go-to choice for those with severe obesity who […]

What Is Food Noise and How Do You Stop It? 

Food is undoubtedly an essential part of our lives, providing nourishment, pleasure, and even sometimes a reason for connecting with others. But for some people (or perhaps everyone at some point in life), food can become an all-consuming mental preoccupation. From meticulously planning every meal to counting calories with unwavering precision, an excessive focus on […]

Bariatric Surgery Risks and Benefits

The prevalence of severe obesity has essentially doubled over the past 20 years, and that has also meant an increase in a number of serious, obesity-related medical conditions. In light of this, more and more people are turning to health interventions like bariatric surgery. In fact, according to the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric […]

A Review of the Ornish Diet 

Be it aesthetic concerns or questions of long-term overall health, Americans seem to always be on the lookout for the next new diet plan. This is partially driven by social media and the ongoing stigma of being overweight, but it is also driven by the very real epidemic of obesity in the United States.

Reasons You’re Not Losing Weight After Bariatric Surgery

Severe obesity is unfortunately all too common in the United States, and the evidence suggests it’s still on the rise. Over the last few decades, it has become clear that traditional interventions for obese patients (e.g. dieting and exercise routines) are mostly ineffective at helping people reach their weight loss goals. In light of this, […]

How Does Obesity Affect College Students?  

The transition to college is a pivotal moment in the lives of young adults, marked by newfound independence, exciting opportunities, and countless lifestyle changes. This whirlwind of changes can be hard to manage for some young people, though, and the consequences are often surprising. One such phenomenon—sometimes referred to colloquially as the “freshman fifteen”—is the […]

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