Author: Dr. Christopher McGowan

In the pantheon of sanctified, near-magical healthy food, coconut oil has claimed a hallowed spot in recent years. With supposed benefits for everything from cholesterol levels to Alzheimer’s disease prevention, and even pulling duty as a natural moisturizer for hair and skin, it would...

If you are reading this article, there is a chance you or someone you know is overweight. In fact, as harsh as it may sound, you may have heard the term “morbidly obese.” This is not a sensational term. The negative health effects of...

Over the last several years, there has been what seems like a crusade against carbs. You could be forgiven for thinking that carbohydrates, an essential, and nearly unavoidable part of most diets, were out to kill us. Not all carbs are created equal, though....

Let’s say you are standing in the soda aisle at your local grocery store. Everywhere you look, there are “sugar-free” options for nearly every one of your favorite drinks. Some of them even claim to have zero calories from sweeteners. If you are counting...

For the last few decades, it seems like our hopes for, and the reality of, American waistlines have been heading in opposite directions. As society puts on the pressure to get thinner and thinner, the problem of obesity in America has turned into an...

Losing weight is never easy, especially when relying on cutting calories or adding exercise into your weekly routine. While healthy eating and exercise are important for overall health as well as trimming down, it can be difficult to actually achieve the kind of weight...

If you’re like most Americans, you’ve tried multiple times to lose weight over the years, but you haven’t been able to get the body you really want. Even with focused discipline, a restricted diet, and exercising religiously, the results often never come. Some people...

It is worth being skeptical of any food or additive promising amazing results. Can it be true that zero-calorie sweeteners are actually healthy for you? Is it even possible to still eat sweets and lose weight? One sugar substitute making bold claims is a...

So, you have your eyes set on a new weight loss goal. You have looked at an exercise plan and have begun thinking about changes to your diet to start losing weight. The question is, how are you going to start your day? It...

You can’t pay much attention to your health in the United States and escape the consistent calls to cut sugar from your diet. It seems sugar is taking a beating these days as new studies link sugar intake to a host of medical issues....