Category: Weight Loss

Obesity in America has been on the rise for decades, and it is estimated that over 42% of adults in the United States can be classified as obese. More concerningly, the percentage of people who are classified as severely obese has doubled in the...

If you are going to lose weight, there is a good chance you have run across advice telling you to eat a low-carb, high-protein diet. That might make sense in principle, but the devil is always in the details. Where many peoples’ diet plans...

As long as there are people looking to lose weight, there will be new diet crazes that promise wonderful results with little to no effort. We should always be skeptical of any wonder drug or miracle weight loss food, and bone broth is no...

One trend in dining that has grown more than others over the last several years is the plant-based diet. While it may seem like a change of pace for many in rich, Western societies, eating a plant-based or plant-forward diet free of processed foods...

As we approach the new year, after a month-long onslaught of holiday feasting, many of us start to think about dieting again. For most people, it feels mostly like a cosmetic concern; maybe you notice that you’ve gotten a little more plump around the...

“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail” is a saying that can certainly be applied to losing weight. It is one thing to hope and wish that the pounds will melt away on their own, but weight loss takes planning and...

If your doctor were to put you on a diet to ward off high blood pressure, you may expect a life of broccoli and kale smoothies is heading your way. If that is the case, you may be relieved to learn that chocolate, and...

Gaining weight is an unwelcome change for pretty much everyone, but it can look different from person to person. In men, excess fat typically builds up around the midsection, but for women it tends to be more in the hips and thighs. One area...

Of all the conflicting nutrition advice you can find, the swirl of confusion and conflicting advice over the years regarding eggs might take the cake. Since early research into the role of dietary cholesterol in heart disease surfaced in the 1960s, some in the...

Anyone who has tried to get rid of stubborn fat deposits has probably wished there was a way to just melt the pounds away. It turns out that fat dissolving injections can sort of melt fat away, and you can freeze it off with...