Our Blog

The Fight Against Beer Bellies

Americans love beer, and the love only seems to be increasing. Indeed, overall alcohol consumption has been rising for decades, but beer remains the favorite with more than 40% of all alcohol consumed. Yet all this beer is harming our health; excessive beer consumption can and often does lead to a variety of negative health […]

Laura Sebring’s Weight Loss Trifecta: Nutrition, Fluids & Exercise

After many years of helping patients lose weight, True You Weight Loss bariatric and weight loss dietitian Laura Sebring, MS, RD, LDN, has a really good idea of what works—and what doesn’t. While every patient is different, and customized nutrition plans are critical for long-term success, she gives her patients similar advice when it comes […]

How Late Night Snacking Could Signal Deeper Problems

Lots of diets and weight loss plans put emphasis on what you do and do not eat. For many of us, though, the focus should be on when you are eating rather than on exactly what goes on your plate.  For people who have a habit of nighttime snacking, there can be many reasons to […]

Cutting Edge Weight Loss Options

For many people struggling with obesity, losing excess weight feels like a huge, elusive challenge. Years of yo-yo dieting and sporadic exercise programs seem to make no difference, and often people just get fed up with even making the effort. Even though bariatric surgery has been around for decades, the inherent dangers of surgery make […]

Macronutrients Are Key to Health & Weight Loss Success

A good start to any weight loss journey is being able to separate fact from fiction when it comes to dieting strategies. Here’s one falsehood of which we should all be aware: counting calories leads to weight loss success. In fact, most people who have been through a weight loss journey would agree that the […]

The Benefits and Challenges of Big Weight Loss Goals

Imagine walking in the door at the end of a long trip and dropping your bags on the floor. Just letting go of all that weight feels amazing. If you are significantly overweight, you might wish you could drop 50 pounds of body weight as easily as you let go of your luggage.  If you […]

Run for Your Life: Running for Healthy Weight Loss

Running seems so simple; aren’t humans built to do this anyway? How hard can it be? For something we all did as kids without thinking about it, picking up running as a regular pastime later in life can be surprisingly difficult.  If you have reached the middle of life, or find yourself needing to lose […]

Carbs are NOT the Enemy. Really, They’re Not!

One of the most common misconceptions about weight loss is that cutting carbs offers the best chance for success. While watching your carbohydrate intake and choosing the right ones can support a healthy weight loss, carbohydrates are NOT the enemy. In fact, studies show that while cutting out carbs often results in short-term weight loss, […]

Top 5 Reasons to Avoid Alcohol Post-Endobariatric Surgery

Whether it’s Friday evening after a hard week of work or a party for a special occasion, alcoholic beverages often represent a way to unwind, celebrate, or indulge. However, for patients who have recently completed an endobariatric procedure, it’s better to put the glass or bottle away. From endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty (ESG) to a bariatric […]

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