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The Unexpected Results of Fat Shaming

If someone tells you, “Don’t think about a blue unicorn,” what is the first thing that comes to mind? Likely as not, it will be a strangely colored mythical creature. As silly as this example is, it illustrates a concept that is applied in far more consequential ways—that negative motivations or suggestions often produce the […]

7 Creative Ways to Get More Fluids Every Day

Water, pure and simple, is an essential component to your health and the weight loss process. While many dieters become so focused on their nutrition, calories, and exercise, they can often forget that water also brings with it a wealth of health benefits that help make an impact on the scale. True You Weight Loss […]

Don’t Compare Yourself to Others When Analyzing Weight Loss Success

Weight loss is a very personal journey, and people will have different rates of success along the way. For that reason, it is important to stay focused on your own goals and refrain from comparing yourself to others who are also working to lose weight.     “The first thing to remember is that everyone is […]

Comparación de cirugía bariátrica: manga gástrica versus cruce duodenal

For decades now, the rate of obesity in the United States and around the world has continued to climb. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a full 42% of Americans are considered obese, which is defined as a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or more. Even though many people make […]

7 Ways to Head off Hunger (and Prevent Overeating!)

Hunger can be a tricky thing. It can sneak up on you at the most inconvenient times or even convince you it’s time to eat when you’re really just bored or thirsty. When you fall victim to hunger, it can be harder to control your eating—which is why it’s important for those embarking on a […]

The Alarming Link Between Depression and Bariatric Surgery

If you have been struggling to lose weight, you might imagine the dramatic weight loss promised by traditional bariatric surgery would bring about a new, happy chapter in life free from your former challenges. Many people who pursue bariatric surgery do lose tremendous amounts of excess body weight, but there is sometimes more to the […]

Timing is Everything: How to Weigh Yourself Accurately

You probably wouldn’t trust the number on the scale if you hopped on while holding a giant sandwich in your hand. The same goes if you step on the scale holding it in your stomach. Weighing yourself right after you eat is a sure way to get inaccurate numbers from your scale. The sandwich aside, […]

Worried Sick: Can Anxiety Cause Weight Gain?

It is one thing to worry about putting on a few extra pounds here and there. But what if worrying could be the very thing that is causing your weight gain? Or worse, can obesity actually lead to anxiety?  The relationship between excess body weight, depression, and anxiety is complex. Research increasingly shows that these […]

10 Food Journaling Tips For Maximum Weight Loss Success

When you are trying to lose weight, mindless snacking can hinder your goals. Most dietitians and nutritionists would agree that food tracking, or journaling, is a foolproof method to keep you on the right track and help you control your eating habits. In fact, recent research has shown that using digital tools and trackers, such […]

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